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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

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Get my course - The Soulmate Attraction Formula For FREE (Value $1497)

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Until Thursday 1st June (or when all spot filled) Limited Spots Available

      Wanna be saying things like this? 

      "Patricia I feel so happy, grateful and content!"
      "The kids actually hang out with me!"
      "I got named as one of the Top Five Success Coaches"
      "All of a sudden I have so much more energy!"
      "My husband and I actually laugh again, we’re like teenagers!"
      "I met and married my soulmate" 
      "My bank account has doubled!"  
      "I’ve had more clients this month than all together the past 6 months"
      "My husband got his dream job!"
      "The household income has almost quadrupled"
      "I just got my dream job with more holidays and salary!"
      "I got to bring my kids on their dream holiday"



      But does tHIS Sound More Familiar?

      "The harder I work, the faster I spin but I never seem to get the carrot dangling in front of that wheel."
      "I feel like I have leak in my bank account."
      "My daughter lives in her bedroom. I never see my husband, he's working so hard to pay for our home. The Flow of our home is just off."
      "BOOM. It works. Patricia, Thank you!"
      It was the biggest month - revenue-wise - for my company. 

      We also landed our largest client ever

      My husband unexpectedly got a stock option buy-out from the private equity group that invested in the company he works for. 

      So it was a very lucrative month - and I owe it to Feng Shui! 

      (I am pretty sure my husband is a full-on believer in feng shui now!) 

      thank you, Patricia! XO
      Marketing Agency Owner / Copywriter / Author

      If you're not as happy, wealthy or healthy as you want to be, then your home might be holding you back. 

      Your Home Is The Foundation To Your Happiness, Health & Wealth. It Must Work In Harmony With You In Order To Fully Support You In Order To Receive The Greatest Level Of Joy, Love, Abundance, Vibrancy, Ease and Flow. 

      Here’s the irony: 

      I see you, putting your heart and soul into chasing success, while also yearning to deepen your relationships, rejuvenate your body, craving more time to make those cherished dreams a reality.

      Yet every day they seem to get further away.

      Here Is The Secret Success Tool That Can Make Your Efforts 1000x Easier:

      It’s a 5,000 year old tool used by people of all kinds of fame and fortune to activate the energy of a house to turn it into a magnet for more ease, flow, joy, abundance, blessings and luck!

      There is absolutely no reason why all of us shouldn't be tapping into the power that our homes hold.

      In Hong Kong or Singapore, optimizing the energy of the environment with Feng Shui is as common for businesses as an engineering survey!

      From Steven Spielberg to Oprah, Whole Foods to Coca Cola, and George Clooney to Disney, Feng Shui is used by an endless list of celebrities and global brands. Brands with zero interest in “being more spiritual” but rather are focused on sales, productivity & profitability.
      Here’s what they know that you don’t:

      Often the energy of your environment is blocking you from getting to the next level that you are working towards — stepping into your life’s purpose, a successful business, a career that lights you up, harmonious relationships, a loving family life, a home filled with peace and positive energy, vibrant health and well-being, financial independence, adventures that feed your soul, a network of empowering friendships, and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world.
      "BOOM. It works. Patricia, Thank you!"
      It was the biggest month - revenue-wise - for my company. 

      We also landed our largest client ever

      My husband unexpectedly got a stock option buy-out from the private equity group that invested in the company he works for. 

      So it was a very lucrative month - and I owe it to Feng Shui! 

      (I am pretty sure my husband is a full-on believer in feng shui now!) 

      thank you, Patricia! XO
      Marketing Agency Owner / Copywriter / Author

      If you're not as happy, wealthy or healthy as you want to be, then your home might be holding you back. 

      Your Home Is The Foundation To Your Happiness, Health & Wealth. It Must Work In Harmony With You In Order To Fully Support You In Order To Receive The Greatest Level Of Joy, Love, Abundance, Vibrancy, Ease and Flow. 

      Here’s the irony: 

      I see you, putting your heart and soul into chasing success, while also yearning to deepen your relationships, rejuvenate your body, craving more time to make those cherished dreams a reality.

      Yet every day they seem to get further away.

      Here Is The Secret Success Tool That Can Make Your Efforts 1000x Easier:

      It’s a 5,000 year old tool used by people of all kinds of fame and fortune to activate the energy of a house to turn it into a magnet for more ease, flow, joy, abundance, blessings and luck!

      There is absolutely no reason why all of us shouldn't be tapping into the power that our homes hold.

      In Hong Kong or Singapore, optimizing the energy of the environment with Feng Shui is as common for businesses as an engineering survey!

      From Steven Spielberg to Oprah, Whole Foods to Coca Cola, and George Clooney to Disney, Feng Shui is used by an endless list of celebrities and global brands. Brands with zero interest in “being more spiritual” but rather are focused on sales, productivity & profitability.
      Here’s what they know that you don’t:

      Often the energy of your environment is blocking you from getting to the next level that you are working towards — stepping into your life’s purpose, a successful business, a career that lights you up, harmonious relationships, a loving family life, a home filled with peace and positive energy, vibrant health and well-being, financial independence, adventures that feed your soul, a network of empowering friendships, and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world.
      "Employing Feng Shui can help you get out of your own way to find what it is you are really meant to do. Once you discover this, the pieces will fall into place.” 
      "Employing Feng Shui can help you get out of your own way to find what it is you are really meant to do. Once you discover this, the pieces will fall into place.” 
      Get Started Now
      Click on the below button to go to the next page, where You can Choose the PowerHouse Plan That’s Right For You
      Get Started Now
      Click on the below button to go to the next page, where You can Choose the PowerHouse Plan That’s Right For You
      When you live in an unsupportive house it's like being in a cycle of one step forward, two steps back.

      Feng Shui is about shifting the energy in your environment so you can get 10x the results for the exact same effort, your efforts to improve your life, business and relationships will be met with a loving, magnetic, energy that amplifies every action you take.

      It’s an opportunity to create a space that matches your big dreams & desires! And it’s NEVER too late to start creating your dream life and attracting whatever you desire into it!

      Feng Shui turns your home environment into a high-powered magnet for everything you want — while allowing what you don't want to fall away. 

      The BIGGEST thing that sabotages people's relationships, their careers and living a life with meaning is an unsupportive environment.

      Which is exactly why I wanted to help you.

      I’ve created an easy-to-follow roadmap to rebalance the unhelpful energies of your home, so it is tapped into a powerful loving universal source energy you didn’t even know was there. 
      Here is what happens in a Feng Shui’d home
      There is an ease to your day, a sense of harmony, balance and unity in all aspects of life you experience a general sense of support and peace every time you walk through your door.
      • You sleep better, feel better and love life even more
      • ​Money flows easily with more financial security 
      • ​Loving Supportive Relationships Flourish with your partner and children 
      • ​Work-Life Balance creates fulfilling career with opportunities to contribute to causes or communities
      • ​You naturally make healthy choices and have vibrant health and boundless energy
      • ​​You have more time for passion projects, travel and learning
      ...along with deepening connection and intimacy with your spouse, spending quality time with your kids (yes, every day!) calling in dreamy clients and perfect business opportunities, and waking up with the energy to make full use of your life force and gifts.
       “My PowerHouse journey has literally transformed my life! I Am Loving My Life Now!”
      Thank you, thank you, thank you, Patricia, for coming into my life...the timing was perfect! 

      I dedicated every week to the programme and putting the remedies in quickly and WOW!! 

      In 3 months I have a new love in my life, my career is moving to the next level, I’ve been on the front of national papers for campaigns I am passionate about, I am doings things I love and meeting new and positive people who awaken and inspire me and love me for me. 

      I am loving my life! Thank you, thank you again, to you and all your team XXX
      ~ EMMA
      HR Executive 
      "I Went From Not Even Being On TV To 13 Or 14 Times!!!"
      I've had a lot of results. 

      I've had unexpected financial windfalls ‘appear’. I have been able to manifest more money. My business has just grown. I went from not even being on TV last time this year to 13 or 14 times this year

      My kids are doing better

      My house feels more like a home Now. I feel more at peace overall and my husband loves it cause part of it is also decluttering. So it's changed our house so much. 
      Entrepreneur / Founder of Slightly Greener / Author  / Toxicity Expert 
      Elyse and Dave are a stellar example of the magic that happens when a couple teams up on the Feng Shui journey.
      Quickly after implementing the remedies, huge shifts in their household ensued

      Dave wrote his first ebook, completed the audiobook recording, made 5-figures -- for the first time and got booked for months in advance.

      To say his business was thriving would be an understatement. 

      For the first time in their life, both of them were able to focus on themselves and meet their own needs instead of others’ needs.

      Finally, things got so good money-wise that Dave told Elyse she doesn’t have to work anymore

      What do they have to say about PowerHouse Feng Shui? “We talk to the house now. We’re just so grateful. Just do it. If you’re holding back, just do the monthly payments. It’s that simple.”
      ~ Elyse and Dave
      Musician & Shaman  
      It made sense to Jennifer that her home should be energetically aligned with her values. But, nothing could prepare her for what followed after she started PowerHouse...
      Things started changing for Jennifer two months into the course.
      The first thing she noticed? The energy shift and feeling of her home.

      “Being in my space just started to feel yummy. I was like -- I just like freaking love my apartment! People who’d come over would say it doesn’t LOOK much different, but it FEELS different.” Though she was always good at business and making money, she felt that before Feng Shui, it didn’t come from the right place. It was neither healthy nor sustainable -- it was almost manic. Now the energy of the money is much different. 

      Though there’s A LOT of it coming in, the flow is different -- it comes more easily and stress-freely. She feels strongly that she’s supported in her work by her home now.

      Another huge change was meeting her now-boyfriend (after being single for five years). According to her, the love & relationship part of her life was suffering big time, though she worked a lot on her self-development. 

      In her words: “Getting your home to work with you instead of against you is not rocket science. The support from Patricia’s team has been AMAZING. If you decide to do this, it’s going to change your life forever. It will be a part of your life forever, too.”
      ~ Jennifer Spivak
      FB Ads Agency Owner   
      Michelle, a registered nurse from Boston, started to see one financial windfall after the other in her and her sons’ lives quickly after joining PowerHouse. 
      Michelle started putting the remedies in their bedrooms first. The result? Her son Michael won 160,000 in the lottery!

      She took it as a sign her family is on the right path. Michelle kept writing her intentions daily. What followed was a streak of financial wins:

      First, she gets a $27,000 commission from the condo she sold

      The hospital she works in assigns her on a special project, with well-payed overtime

      Then she gets a $2,000 check from an attorney closing the previous real estate deal, followed by a medical refund of $15,100

      Finally, on top of everything, Michelle manifests her dream house, overlooking the Boston skyline and the waterfront. 

      What she has to say about PowerHouse
      “Patricia’s team is fantastic; they’re with you every step of the way. Amazing customer service. If you put your belief and trust in the program, the payments will come. The course will pay for itself.
      If you do the work laid out in the course, what you invest will come back to you hundredfold.”
      ~ Michelle McDonald
      Nurse & Realtor
      "Today I have a waiting list of over 3 months and I’m only in business over 12 months."
      I would have struggled big time with new ideal paying clients as I was new to the business world after 11 years in the financial sector.

      Overall as a couple we would have had a lot of health issues, money issues, family relationship and shouting matches with each other and our kids, the energy in the home over all.

      Since taking PowerHouse I have a waiting list of over 3 months and Im only in business over 12 months. My relationship with my husband and kids has blossomed into a happy energy and We are getting on great.

      Job opportunities came up both for my husband and I with extra income in to the household.

      If you are struggling with money issues, health problems, relationships or would love to meet your dream partner, no clients or the lack of them, or you have a crazy idea of wanting to do something, a want to travel.. join this course.
      Business Owner, Professional Declutterer

      A supportive home - even above wealth and connection - is what gives you the ultimate advantage in creating an extraordinary life and business!

      A supportive home - even above wealth and connection - is what gives you the ultimate advantage in creating an extraordinary life and business!


      PowerHouse my life changing programme which I’ve helped thousands of women from across the globe learn how to quickly unlock the hidden energy of their homes.

      PowerHouse is a personalized, customised and prescriptive program to ensure your home’s unique needs are met, so you can crank up your manifesting power and be supported in all your desires.

      Why “prescriptive”? Glad you asked!

      Just like you go to the doctor and get a prescription to fix your health problems, when you enroll in Powerhouse we take a deep dive into what’s going on energetically in your home, give you a Personalized Report (i.e. your “prescription”) that tells you exactly what how to fix it.

      Powerhouse is an opportunity to create a home that supports whatever you want to achieve in your life.

      What's inside this one-of-a-kind program

      Customized Report for Your Home

      7 Days a Week Feng Shui Support 

      Monthly Themed Live Workshop 

      Monthly Astrology Predictions

      Worksheets & Checklists

      Weekly Live
      Q&A calls

      Private Facebook Group

      Epic Customer Support

      Bonus Resources

      Streaming Videos

      Downloadable MP3

      The heart of this program is its 8 core training modules.

      On top of that, I’ve thrown in a gazillion of resources, workbooks, a student portal plus our team support on Facebook

      Once you’re in, you’ll be fully supported, guided and cheered on every step of your journey!

      When you sign up: You submit all the info about your home to us on our custom built software (its quick and easy) and we analyse it all - my eyes on your home we create your Personalised Feng Shui Report

      The Personalised Feng Shui Report for your Home: 

      • reveals your home’s unique energy footprint
      • outlines the blockages of stale, stuck and stagnant energy
      • comes with my prescribed remedies to improve your luck, relationships, business and overall success
      This program is highly personalized and interactive, with plenty of access to Patricia and her support team, so you can make rapid improvements in any area of your life.
      Module 1
      Start Here: Welcome To Powerhouse
      Embark on a transformative journey as Patricia welcomes you to Powerhouse, unraveling the essence of Feng Shui and the Tao, setting powerful goals, and providing a comprehensive roadmap. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • Delve into foundational concepts connecting Feng Shui and the Tao
      • ​Visualize and set impactful goals
      • Learn how to navigate the course with a comprehensive roadmap
      • ​Get access a quick guide to key topics for easy navigation.
      Module 2
      Preparation For Your Personal Report
      Unlock the secrets of creating a personalized Feng Shui report, gather crucial information, and navigate the report preparation process with finesse. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • Understand the significance of your personalized Feng Shui repor
      • ​Master the art of collecting key details essential for an effective Feng Shui analysis
      • ​Submit all your homes details for your Feng Shui report.
      Module 3
      Preparing Your Home for Feng Shui
      Reconnect with your living space, explore its energetic dynamics, and undergo physical and energetic clearing for a harmonious environment. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll deepen your bond with your living space by understanding the energetic dance between you and your dwelling, unveil the energetic conversations within your home and their impact on your well-being
      • ​You’ll clear energetic baggage by letting go of past experiences to create a fresh Feng Shui canvas, 
      • ​You’ll gain a new perspective on your home's energy flow, paving the way for a harmonious living environment.
      Module 4
      Feng Shui Foundations
      Grasp the foundational elements of Feng Shui, from remedies and the Bagua Map to understanding different house types.
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll step into the heart of Feng Shui foundations
      • ​Uncover the secrets of remedies and the five elements,
      • ​Learn how to navigate the Bagua Map to decode the energetic map of your home's different zones
      • ​Explore different house types and locks. You’ll discover how they influence Feng Shui dynamics.
      Module 5
      The Feng Shui Bagua (Nine Areas)
      Explore the nine power centers of your home, each influencing a specific aspect of your life, and learn transformative tips for creating harmony.
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll receive a deep dive to the nine power centers
      • ​A simple remedy that will help you achieve your health goals
      • ​Explore all aspect of Feng Shui Map learn to bring your home into balance
      • ​Transformative tips for your kitchen
      • ​Using Feng Shui to support your travel habit
      Module 6
      Feng Shui House
      Dive into the specifics of Feng Shui for different areas of your home, from entrances to bedrooms, and gain insights from behind the scenes of Patricia and Ken's own home. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll explore all aspects of the home from front door and entrances, kitchen Feng Shui, dining room dynamics, Feng Shui for bedrooms and children's bedrooms, office optimization, Feng Shui for bathrooms. 
      • ​Discover the role of artwork, 
      • ​How to use mirrors correctly in Feng Shui, personal trigrams, storage solutions
      • ​Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into Patricia and Ken's home.
      Module 7
      Extra Resources
      Unlock additional tools and insights to amplify your Feng Shui journey, from manifesting dreams to using crystals and meditation. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:

      • You'll discover the secret ingredient for manifesting dreams in Powerhouse
      • ​Understand the how to tap into Chinese New Year energies
      • ​Explore additional practices and cures
      • Learn how to integrate crystals and Feng Shui, connect with spiritual deities, embrace meditation for balance, harmonize abundance with Feng Shui, access a recommended reading list, explore the concept of a wealth vase, receive guidance on sustaining progress, and delve into land healing and clearing.
      Module 8
      Renovation, Buying, Selling, Moving House
      Navigate the Feng Shui considerations when renovating, buying, selling, or moving homes, ensuring harmony in transitions. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:

      • You'll gain insights into selling and buying homes
      • ​Discover how to sell your home using Feng Shui principles
      • ​Access resources for navigating property transitions
      • Find answers to FAQs related to the intricate process of renovation, buying, selling, or moving houses.


      PowerHouse my life changing programme which I’ve helped thousands of women from across the globe learn how to quickly unlock the hidden energy of their homes.

      PowerHouse is a personalized, customised and prescriptive program to ensure your home’s unique needs are met, so you can crank up your manifesting power and be supported in all your desires.

      Why “prescriptive”? Glad you asked!

      Just like you go to the doctor and get a prescription to fix your health problems, when you enroll in Powerhouse we take a deep dive into what’s going on energetically in your home, give you a Personalized Report (i.e. your “prescription”) that tells you exactly what how to fix it.

      Powerhouse is an opportunity to create a home that supports whatever you want to achieve in your life.

      What's inside this one-of-a-kind program

      Customized Report for Your Home

      7 Days a Week Feng Shui Support 

      Monthly Themed Live Workshop 

      Monthly Astrology Predictions

      Worksheets & Checklists

      Weekly Live
      Q&A calls

      Private Facebook Group

      Epic Customer Support

      Bonus Resources

      Streaming Videos

      Downloadable MP3

      The heart of this program is its 8 core training modules.

      On top of that, I’ve thrown in a gazillion of resources, workbooks, a student portal plus our team support on Facebook

      Once you’re in, you’ll be fully supported, guided and cheered on every step of your journey!

      When you sign up: You submit all the info about your home to us on our custom built software (its quick and easy) and we analyse it all - my eyes on your home we create your Personalised Feng Shui Report

      The Personalised Feng Shui Report for your Home: 

      • reveals your home’s unique energy footprint
      • outlines the blockages of stale, stuck and stagnant energy
      • comes with my prescribed remedies to improve your luck, relationships, business and overall success
      This program is highly personalized and interactive, with plenty of access to Patricia and her support team, so you can make rapid improvements in any area of your life.
      Module 1
      Start Here: Welcome To Powerhouse
      Embark on a transformative journey as Patricia welcomes you to Powerhouse, unraveling the essence of Feng Shui and the Tao, setting powerful goals, and providing a comprehensive roadmap. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • Delve into foundational concepts connecting Feng Shui and the Tao
      • ​Visualize and set impactful goals
      • Learn how to navigate the course with a comprehensive roadmap
      • ​Get access a quick guide to key topics for easy navigation.
      Module 2
      Preparation For Your Personal Report
      Unlock the secrets of creating a personalized Feng Shui report, gather crucial information, and navigate the report preparation process with finesse. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • Understand the significance of your personalized Feng Shui repor
      • ​Master the art of collecting key details essential for an effective Feng Shui analysis
      • ​Submit all your homes details for your Feng Shui report.
      Module 3
      Preparing Your Home for Feng Shui
      Reconnect with your living space, explore its energetic dynamics, and undergo physical and energetic clearing for a harmonious environment. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll deepen your bond with your living space by understanding the energetic dance between you and your dwelling, unveil the energetic conversations within your home and their impact on your well-being
      • ​You’ll clear energetic baggage by letting go of past experiences to create a fresh Feng Shui canvas, 
      • ​You’ll gain a new perspective on your home's energy flow, paving the way for a harmonious living environment.
      Module 4
      Feng Shui Foundations
      Grasp the foundational elements of Feng Shui, from remedies and the Bagua Map to understanding different house types.
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll step into the heart of Feng Shui foundations
      • ​Uncover the secrets of remedies and the five elements,
      • ​Learn how to navigate the Bagua Map to decode the energetic map of your home's different zones
      • ​Explore different house types and locks. You’ll discover how they influence Feng Shui dynamics.
      Module 5
      The Feng Shui Bagua (Nine Areas)
      Explore the nine power centers of your home, each influencing a specific aspect of your life, and learn transformative tips for creating harmony.
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll receive a deep dive to the nine power centers
      • ​A simple remedy that will help you achieve your health goals
      • ​Explore all aspect of Feng Shui Map learn to bring your home into balance
      • ​Transformative tips for your kitchen
      • ​Using Feng Shui to support your travel habit
      Module 6
      Feng Shui House
      Dive into the specifics of Feng Shui for different areas of your home, from entrances to bedrooms, and gain insights from behind the scenes of Patricia and Ken's own home. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:
      • You'll explore all aspects of the home from front door and entrances, kitchen Feng Shui, dining room dynamics, Feng Shui for bedrooms and children's bedrooms, office optimization, Feng Shui for bathrooms. 
      • ​Discover the role of artwork, 
      • ​How to use mirrors correctly in Feng Shui, personal trigrams, storage solutions
      • ​Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into Patricia and Ken's home.
      Module 7
      Extra Resources
      Unlock additional tools and insights to amplify your Feng Shui journey, from manifesting dreams to using crystals and meditation. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:

      • You'll discover the secret ingredient for manifesting dreams in Powerhouse
      • ​Understand the how to tap into Chinese New Year energies
      • ​Explore additional practices and cures
      • Learn how to integrate crystals and Feng Shui, connect with spiritual deities, embrace meditation for balance, harmonize abundance with Feng Shui, access a recommended reading list, explore the concept of a wealth vase, receive guidance on sustaining progress, and delve into land healing and clearing.
      Module 8
      Renovation, Buying, Selling, Moving House
      Navigate the Feng Shui considerations when renovating, buying, selling, or moving homes, ensuring harmony in transitions. 
      In this module, you’ll learn:

      • You'll gain insights into selling and buying homes
      • ​Discover how to sell your home using Feng Shui principles
      • ​Access resources for navigating property transitions
      • Find answers to FAQs related to the intricate process of renovation, buying, selling, or moving houses.
      Once they put their remedies in place, my students were able to ...

      Become Happier and Experience More Joy & Ease in their lives.

      Start living your best life in full colour, waking up feeling blessed, experiencing the magic of life and living your life’s purpose.

      Transform All Of Their Relationships

      In a marriage that feels like a friendship at best (and on the brink of divorce at worst)? Time to create space to either a) heal you existing relationship or b) find the courage to start anew

      Lose Those Stubborn Extra Pounds

      ... and increase your stamina.. become the heathiest version of yourself .. have the time to train and run that marathon… manifest time to get to that yoga retreat on your vision board PowerHouse can open the floodgates for an entirely new experience of your body and your health. 

      Have an Epic Career or Business

      Stand on stages with your peers, Be featured in National Media, Share your message with millions, Get that publishing contract, Make the impact that you always dreamt off. 

      Move to the Next Level of Wealth

      Can I promise you millions and millions of dollars Nope. But I can promise that you’ll feel a depth of abundance beyond what you can imagine. PowerHouse will align you, your home, mind and body so your prosperity flourishes in all areas of your life.

      PowerHouse Feng Shui Works Miracles in your life!

      You can change the energy of your home quickly, so that it supports in in manifesting the life and business you truly love. 

      What I have found is people come to Shui as a solution when they haven’t achieved what they want - things you think will get you to the next level - like more education and courses, harder work, law of attraction, business coaching and all other types of 'fixes'

      But ultimately have not seen results.

      What I have found is that using Feng Shui you will see true change is not only possible but it starts to appear before your eyes.

      Read on and you’ll see the incredible outcomes people are seeing after following a few simple yet transformative steps to balance the energy in their homes.

      This Could Be YOU...
      "I met my husband...have an abundance of money coming in was able to get rid of my debt."


      "For me change all good, growth & lots of manifesting cars, money, clients, lots of money, mortgage paid off, credit paid off, money in the bank, great health, family have a great relationship. And even bigger I made friends from all over the world from FS living my best life.

      Lynn H.

      "Delayed invoice was paid by client, new project was confirmed, my partner was in the flow with his work and didn't have any mental blocks working."

       Karolina S.

      "I had thought about quitting what I do. Instead I have become more focused and determined to continue what I love doing. My relationship has strengthened and my finances are improved."

       Teresa Clifford

      "My home, health, family and friends, helpful people, finances and career are in balance and harmony.

      Francie Denise

      "I cleared substantial amount of business debt. I am getting a good flow of clients every week"


      "I feel movement in my career area again, thank you Feng Shui!!"

      Marie Fay

      ''I've had an accumulation of things since I joined only a few short months ago."


      “Had an amazing unexpected windfall, really positive steps with my business thanks to attracting the right helpful person”

      Finola M.

      ... all with FAR less effort than you’d think, without hustling any harder, seeking more healers or spending more money on band-aid solutions. 



      New Love & Happier Marriage 

      Eimear Fox

      Eimear joined PowerHouse with the goal of finding love: She has met & married her soulmate.  

      Pam Ware

      How Pam dramatically improved her relationships with her husband and son after joining Powerhouse

      Karen Dellaripa

      How Karen went from “struggling single mom” to debt-free entrepreneur who's married her soulmate
      "Thanks to advice from Patricia. I recently celebrated 9 months with the most loving and caring man I've ever known.''

                   Charreah K.

      Addie T.              

      "Supportive people have come my way, unexpectedly. My relationship is on point! and we understand each other better every single day."
      “I am grateful and thankful to the Universe the Divine for sending me a beautiful you man. He has a beautiful soul & makes me very very happy.”


      Peaceful, Happy & Harmonious Home 

      Tina Okey

      How Tina’s sons became ‘best friends’ after bickering for years, she fixed her relationship with her brother. Manifested more money. 

      Laura Horsburgh

      Laura's Feng Shui-ed home attracted more peace, more success and more money for herself and her family members. 

      Rona O’ Riordan

      How Rona’s daughter won life changing Scholarship and Business Grant. Her Son got job at Oxford University - and many more wins for Rona's Family using Powerhouse!
      "Huge win celebration! My relationship with my daughters has turned a corner and there's no more negativity after many years of stress!"

                   Jenny M.

      Karolina S.             

      "I had a great time with my mum this week which was lovely and our relationship keeps improving."
      "Every week my daughter and 2 grandchildren visit me and we have dinner together. Since my remedies came in place these days have been loving, fun and several hours of good company."

                   Ruth Z.

      Releasing Chronic Illness & Creating Wellbeing

      Laura Enache

      How Laura Released  Multiple Sclerosis and Healing Her Husband's Gambling Addiction with Feng Shui

      Claudia Velo

      How Claudia lost 40 lbs, got into the best shape of her life and reinvented her career at 56 by joining Powerhouse

      Taresa Sabin

      How Taresa released her anxiety, created peace of mind and started sleeping better than ever before. 
      "I'm SO grateful that my hubby's health has completely improved. I've concentrated on this area most of the time this past year and he is transformed. My own health is great too."

                   Gill E.

      Avril R.              

      "I haven't finished working on my house I already see the changes especially my energy levels because I was always feeling tired. Patricia is so amazing to work with and so full of energy.

      New Jobs and Career Advancement

      Lucy Robertson

      After implementing her remedies, Lucy went from being unemployed to being offered two jobs within 20 minutes.

      Linda Redmond

      How Linda manifested her dream job, loads of new clients, and academic success for her children after joining Powerhouse.

      Finola Macdermott

      How Finola got her dream job in Denmark, secured a home mortgage-free and manifested her dream of having a baby boy!
      "I had asked for a wage increase and got it. Got a permanent work shift for my locum work and really enjoy working. So grateful have money to pay for things to be done one step at a time."

                   Linda W.

      Julie N.            

      "I’ve a job interview for next Friday for a full time post which would double my income ! My therapy business, I’m now fully booked with 6 new clients plus I'm working with some amazing therapists."
      "New work opportunities appeared out of the blue. More quotes sent out for my business. Real Estate agent surprised us with a significantly higher valuation for the sale of our investment property ."

                    Lisa W.

      Mira Peck

      Expanding and expressing herself more creatively - and it’s fun beyond her wildest dreams.

      Christina Goulet

      Learned creativity, pride through this program and feel incredibly blessed!

      Manifesting Miracles, Windfalls & Unexpected Wins

      Debbie Snook

      How Debbie manifested a new car from her vision board easily and quickly!

      Tennessee Noronha

      How Tennessee called in her dream of becoming a mother and starting a new business to support her family!

      Bridget Walsh

      How Bridget manifested her dream to live in her own house by the sea!
      "I set a goal of making £300 And told my husband and kid I was going to make it, as my sons birthday, I wanted to take family to zoo and stay over in a hotel, within 4 hours made just over £300 I'm so happy."

                   Janine S.

      Jane T.             

      "Lots and lots of new clients and quickly closing business! The best is yet to come!
      "Manifested £2.5k this week Thank you FS universe!"

                    Lynn H.

      Manifesting Money, Surprise Cheques & Financial Abundance

      Monica Jansen

      How Monica Got Her Largest Revenue Month Ever (Easier Than Ever Before)

      Michelle McDonald

      How Michelle generated an extra $200,000 since joining PowerHouse.

      Liz Cullen

      How Liz tapped into flow and created the biggest financial year of her career
      "Money goal totally smashed, over double, seen things I have spoken about or written manifest."

                   Stephanie W.

      Sinead M.             

      "I won a giveaway on Instagram for a course worth €600 that I had wanted to do. We got an unexpected decent amount of money that we were not expecting. Which is absolutely amazing."
      "The power of feng shui!!! Two years ago I wrote a "check to the universe" check to my husband from the head of his law firm. We found it recently that my husband is getting a bonus for THAT EXACT AMOUNT which is the highest in the firm's history."

                    Rosemary N.

      More Business Success with Less Effort

      Geraldine Bracken

      How Geraldine gets ‘discovered’ by her dream clients now - *almost* as if by magic!

      Andrea Baines

      How Andrea used Feng Shui to Magically Attract Clients + get Booked out in her New Business

      Marie McKenny

      How Marie effortlessly manifested 25,000 followers on Facebook and became an investor in a lucrative business.

      "I’m happy to say that my major win was making more money on my investments than I thought."

                   Francie D.

      Chandan M.             

      "I've been the top sales person at work, so they gave me a pay rise. I've been promoted in my skincare business and have an amazing set of ladies I work with."
      "I sold all my artwork in my sale, staying true to my affirmations and my goals ongoing"

                    Courts L.

      Manifesting Success for Family Members

      Sandra Galloghy

      Sandra and her family have seen vast improvements in their financial, personal, and professional lives.

      Judith Williams

      Judith's daughter and husband are thriving in their balanced home - and she's living life with ease & flow.

      Salome Erulkar

      Salome manifested her husband's healing - and helped her children's dreams come true.

      "My daughter got the job she interviewed for 2 weeks ago. They absolutely loved her. My other daughter and her husband came home for thanksgiving and stayed till Sunday and we had an amazing and very calm time. My businesses daily sales have increased."

                   Michelle R.


      "My husband got a new job that pays more and I got all my trade applications approved for my  business."
      " I have noticed a huge shift in my confidence. My family are all making big changes & things just feel really good"

                   Ali D.

       “My PowerHouse journey has literally transformed my life! I Am Loving My Life Now!”
      Thank you, thank you, thank you, Patricia, for coming into my life...the timing was perfect! 

      I dedicated every week to the programme and putting the remedies in quickly and WOW!! 

      In 3 months I have a new love in my life, my career is moving to the next level, I’ve been on the front of national papers for campaigns I am passionate about, I am doings things I love and meeting new and positive people who awaken and inspire me and love me for me. 

      I am loving my life! Thank you, thank you again, to you and all your team XXX
      ~ EMMA
      HR Executive 
      "I Went From Not Even Being On TV To 13 Or 14 Times!!!"
      I've had a lot of results. 

      I've had unexpected financial windfalls ‘appear’. I have been able to manifest more money. My business has just grown. I went from not even being on TV last time this year to 13 or 14 times this year

      My kids are doing better

      My house feels more like a home Now. I feel more at peace overall and my husband loves it cause part of it is also decluttering. So it's changed our house so much. 
      Entrepreneur / Founder of Slightly Greener / Author  / Toxicity Expert 
      How Tarzan used Feng Shui to make $1,000,000!
      My office is my sacred space and I needed to make sure it was supporting me and my goals. Now that I’ve implemented what I learned working with Patricia my office is an oasis for me. It's absolutely amazing!

      The first year I worked with Patrica, my business was making about $236,000 a year.

      Since I implemented what I learned in the course, my business has been growing as fast as I can possibly handle! 

      And now, after two and a half years working with Patricia, my business has had it’s first $1,000,000 year!

      There’s no way that would have happened without Patricia's help and all the lessons I learned in PowerHouse!

      I looked at my list of goals from last year and realized that since I started letting the power of Feng Shui into my life, I’ve achieved every single one of them!

      PowerHouse was such a great investment, not just in the growth of my business, but also in the growth of my family and friends
      ~ TARZAN KAY
      Elyse and Dave are a stellar example of the magic that happens when a couple teams up on the Feng Shui journey.
      Quickly after implementing the remedies, huge shifts in their household ensued

      Dave wrote his first ebook, completed the audiobook recording, made 5-figures -- for the first time and got booked for months in advance.

      To say his business was thriving would be an understatement. 

      For the first time in their life, both of them were able to focus on themselves and meet their own needs instead of others’ needs.

      Finally, things got so good money-wise that Dave told Elyse she doesn’t have to work anymore

      What do they have to say about PowerHouse Feng Shui? “We talk to the house now. We’re just so grateful. Just do it. If you’re holding back, just do the monthly payments. It’s that simple.”
      ~ Elyse and Dave
      Musician & Shaman  
      It made sense to Jennifer that her home should be energetically aligned with her values. But, nothing could prepare her for what followed after she started PowerHouse...
      Things started changing for Jennifer two months into the course.
      The first thing she noticed? The energy shift and feeling of her home.

      “Being in my space just started to feel yummy. I was like -- I just like freaking love my apartment! People who’d come over would say it doesn’t LOOK much different, but it FEELS different.” Though she was always good at business and making money, she felt that before Feng Shui, it didn’t come from the right place. It was neither healthy nor sustainable -- it was almost manic. Now the energy of the money is much different. 

      Though there’s A LOT of it coming in, the flow is different -- it comes more easily and stress-freely. She feels strongly that she’s supported in her work by her home now.

      Another huge change was meeting her now-boyfriend (after being single for five years). According to her, the love & relationship part of her life was suffering big time, though she worked a lot on her self-development. 

      In her words: “Getting your home to work with you instead of against you is not rocket science. The support from Patricia’s team has been AMAZING. If you decide to do this, it’s going to change your life forever. It will be a part of your life forever, too.”
      ~ Jennifer Spivak
      FB Ads Agency Owner   
      Michelle, a registered nurse from Boston, started to see one financial windfall after the other in her and her sons’ lives quickly after joining PowerHouse. 
      Michelle started putting the remedies in their bedrooms first. The result? Her son Michael won 160,000 in the lottery!

      She took it as a sign her family is on the right path. Michelle kept writing her intentions daily. What followed was a streak of financial wins:

      First, she gets a $27,000 commission from the condo she sold

      The hospital she works in assigns her on a special project, with well-payed overtime

      Then she gets a $2,000 check from an attorney closing the previous real estate deal, followed by a medical refund of $15,100

      Finally, on top of everything, Michelle manifests her dream house, overlooking the Boston skyline and the waterfront. 

      What she has to say about PowerHouse
      “Patricia’s team is fantastic; they’re with you every step of the way. Amazing customer service. If you put your belief and trust in the program, the payments will come. The course will pay for itself.
      If you do the work laid out in the course, what you invest will come back to you hundredfold.”
      ~ Michelle McDonald
      Nurse & Realtor
      "Today I have a waiting list of over 3 months and I’m only in business over 12 months."
      I would have struggled big time with new ideal paying clients as I was new to the business world after 11 years in the financial sector.

      Overall as a couple we would have had a lot of health issues, money issues, family relationship and shouting matches with each other and our kids, the energy in the home over all.

      Since taking PowerHouse I have a waiting list of over 3 months and Im only in business over 12 months. My relationship with my husband and kids has blossomed into a happy energy and We are getting on great.

      Job opportunities came up both for my husband and I with extra income in to the household.

      If you are struggling with money issues, health problems, relationships or would love to meet your dream partner, no clients or the lack of them, or you have a crazy idea of wanting to do something, a want to travel.. join this course.
      Business Owner, Professional Declutterer
      Choose the PowerHouse Plan That’s Right For You
      Includes 8 core modules, two years membership to our community including your personal report, seven days a week expert feng shui support, Weekly Q&A Calls, Monthly Astrology Predictions Session, Monthly Themed Workshops, 3 Bonus Courses ( Feng Shui for Business, Vision to Reality & Money Magnet Course) and more and Lifetime access to all course materials.
      Twelve monthly payments of
      $176 USD
      Bi-Weekly Plan (24 payments)
      $88 USD
      PowerHouse PLUS*
      *PowerHouse PLUS also includes a 60-Minute walk-through of your house with one of our Certified Feng Shui Consultants
      One payment of
      $2497 USD
      Twelve monthly payments of
      $218 USD
      Bi-Weekly Plan (24 payments)
      $108 USD

      Manifestation Magic: Deirdre Writes Job Spec for Husband and Receives Surprising Results - Doubles Salary, Company Car, and More!

      ~ DEIRDRE LYNCH / School Secretary 

      How Jane Finds Ease and Success in Life and Business Through Unexpected Opportunities and Support.


      Read Miriam’s story.
      "It's like somebody plucked the pebble out of a pipe that was blocking the flow. And now it's just gushing. I think every facet of our lives has changed!"
      Money Mindset Coach
      Before Feng Shui, Miriam and her family were already doing well. She wanted to have more harmonious family relationships and for everyone to be more comfortable coming and going in her home.

      Her business was doing well but it still felt like hard work. She also blamed her husband for things not coming through because she felt she was doing all the work. 

      Things started to change when she implemented her personalised plan. she could feel the energy shift. 

      Her business also had the biggest month. she doubled and then tripled her success and income. 

      Everything just flowed and her husband had his best year in business. Things Just happened easily without Miriam having to hustle more

      What PowerHouse Feng Shui Is NOT

      • A cookie-cutter, Obvious-type of generic solution that may or may not work or Quickly google-able content (this stuff is distilled practice and ancient wisdom — 4,000 years old in the making!)
      • A cute interior-design technique (though your visitors will instantly fall in love with your house — without knowing why)


      It’s logical & simple.

      Here’s how it works:

      Your home is a mirror to you and your life.

      Feng Shui is acupuncture for your home - if your home is out of balance so is your life.

      When you join PowerHouse we will do the analysis to see what’s out of balance and determine what needs to be rebalanced - aka we create your personal report that you implement with our help.

      When we bring your home back into balance placing the correct remedies in place to rebalance your home it

      Feng Shui so often feels like this super technical, expensive, tricky, complex black magic.


      I love to call it FUN SHUI

      And YOU can do it yourself with our help, no pricey restructuring your home, no redecorating your entire home.

      Enroll Now and You’ll Also Get These
      *** Bonus Trainings ***
      3 Advanced complementary bonus Courses

      Bonus Course #1

      Vision To Reality

      Do you have a big vision for where you want to take your life?

      Do you want to set (and achieve) your ‘big goals’ with more ease than ever before?

      The ‘Vision to Reality’ course is my secret superpower that I’ve used to magnetize opportunities, resources and the right people to make my dreams come true - a whole lot faster - using Feng Shui and other ancient practices!

      Usually priced at $297 - this course is included for you FREE with Powerhouse.

      Bonus Course #2

      Decluttering Your Home

      Is your home filled with too much clutter?

      Do you feel like no matter how much you de-clutter - things just come back in their place over and over again?

      Are you worried that your messy home is getting in the way of Feng Shui-ing your home?

      Fear not - the ‘Declutter Your Home’ course will show you the exact steps you need to take to clear the clutter - FOR GOOD - and also how you can keep your space tidy going forward.

      Usually priced at $197 - this course is included for you FREE with Powerhouse.

      Bonus Course #3

      Money Magnet Programme

      Do you want to release debt, grow your income and start creating the wealth of your dreams?

      The Money Magnet program is designed to help you clear your resistance to wealth - so that you can experience more abundance and prosperity in your business/job - as well as your personal life.

      Usually priced at $497, this course is included for you FREE with Powerhouse.


      Declutter your Home Course

      My 'Declutter your Home Course' will support you in decluttering your home once you’ve implemented all your remedies…

      This course is my step by step course (not available to the public) I’ve developed to help you declutter but also maintain a clear and beautiful home…!
      (VALUE $397) Included with POWERHOUSE!

      PowerHouse Business Course 

      The PowerHouse BUSINESS Course - This last piece of the puzzle that makes enrolment a COMPLETE no-brainer if you’re in biz ... Learn how to create a working environment that’s magnetic to success – including more money! Valued at $597, I could sell this entire course a separate programme (clients have actually told me this.)

      If you want to speed up your prosperity and bring more money and success in your business towards you faster, this is the best way! 
      (VALUE $597) Included with POWERHOUSE!

      Money Magnet Attraction Course

      When you invest in PowerHouse TODAY, you’ll also get my Money Magnet Attraction Course that’ll give you the tools that will rid you of money worries for good! I teach you how to identify and release your money blocks so that you can become a money magnet!
      (VALUE $997) Included with POWERHOUSE!

      The Vision to Reality Mastery Programme

      When you invest in PowerHouse TODAY, you’ll also get my very own signature course - The Vision to Reality Mastery Programme!

      You might not want to be famous like Oprah or Madonna but this course will help you get crystal-clear on the dream life you desire – what it looks like, how you will feel, and all my go-to-tools for releasing the internal blocks to calling in what you want with the steps you need to put in place in order to bring your vision to reality. 
      (VALUE $997) Included with POWERHOUSE!
      Fast Track Feng Shui my special bonus class & guide how to get 80% of the results with 20% of the effort. I’ve got you covered!
      (VALUE $97) Included with POWERHOUSE!
      This incredible guide helps you eliminate any and all of those little energy blockers that you would have otherwise missed… from dripping taps to wilting plants. You’ll refer back to this handy guide again and again.
      (VALUE $47) Included with POWERHOUSE!
      Special Masterclass
      Feng Shui & Art
      Did you know that the paintings on your wall are calling things into your life — or pushing them away? It’s true. The art we hang and where we hang it has a major impact on everything from love to money, health to family, our career and more. In this bonus Master Class, you’ll discover what types of art will manifest your desires quickly and easily.
      Valued at $197
      Have your Feng Shui questions answered every day (yes seven days a week) 
      Watch homes & lives transformed and get your questions answered in real time in our membership group.
      While Powerhouse isn’t a one-on-one coaching program - you do get a personalised on going support seven days a week, personalised report for your home which is quick and easy to implement, you’re going to have questions and you’ll need them answered by a professional, which is why we’ve got built in support to ensure you never get stuck on any day.

      Daily support to help you put your remedies in place and get your life transformation underway!

      ​You'll have the option to ask hyper-specific questions about your *personalized* feng shui plan, plus you'll learn a ton hearing the questions from your fellow students.
      Have your Feng Shui questions answered every day (yes seven days a week) 
      Watch homes & lives transformed and get your questions answered in real time in our membership group.
      While Powerhouse isn’t a one-on-one coaching program - you do get a personalised on going support seven days a week, personalised report for your home which is quick and easy to implement, you’re going to have questions and you’ll need them answered by a professional, which is why we’ve got built in support to ensure you never get stuck on any day.

      Daily support to help you put your remedies in place and get your life transformation underway!

      ​You'll have the option to ask hyper-specific questions about your *personalized* feng shui plan, plus you'll learn a ton hearing the questions from your fellow students.
      Get motivated, maintain momentum, get feedback and get your questions answered.

      Watch homes & lives transformed and get your questions answered in real time on weekly live coaching calls.

      Weekly (yes every week) of Q&A group coaching support to help you put your remedies in place and get your life transformation underway!

      ​You'll have the option to ask hyper-specific questions about your *personalized* feng shui plan, plus you'll learn a ton hearing the questions from your fellow students.

      Join the unique monthly experience that transcends every aspect of your life. Our high-vibe masterclasses are meticulously designed to align with the astrological month, offering insights, tips, and tools perfectly attuned to the universe.

      Imagine sessions tailored to support your children, deepen your connection with your partner, and navigate Feng Shui for career growth. Each masterclass is a dynamic blend of wisdom, practical tools way beyond Feng Shui and personalized insights from my Mary Poppins bag of modalities.

      These sessions are more than gatherings – they are portals to a new level of living. Infused with meditations and practices, each masterclass is a journey toward self-discovery and empowerment. This isn't just Feng Shui; it's a roadmap to the next level in your life.

      As your guide, I bring all my experience and a touch of magic to ensure each member receives a bespoke experience. These masterclasses become the heartbeat of our community, offering you the chance to connect, learn, and thrive.

      This is your invitation to be part of a transformative space where each month becomes a stepping stone to a more vibrant, aligned, and fulfilled life. Join us on this journey!

      ALIGN WITH US: MONTHLY Astrology Predictions Call

      Each month, our resident astrologer Rachelle will be guiding you through what you can expect in the upcoming Zodiac Season.
      • What themes we can focus on during the month ahead
      • ​Key times and dates to be aware of
      • ​New Moon and Full Moon symbols
      • ​Ways to engage with the zodiac energy
      CONNECT WITH US: The Private Powerhouse Facebook Community
      Your very own posse of like-minded Powerhouse Women 
      In addition to the 8 Core Training Modules, our Personal Customized Advice, plus weekly Live Group Calls, Monthly MasterClasses when you join us, you also gain access to our membership and community. This means you’ll be part of a tribe of like-minded people.  

      So even if you don’t have the support of people in your house, you will have it in the group! It’s an ideal place to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, celebrate wins, and share “a-ha” moments … and get creative ideas for how to bring in remedies that actually enhance your home’s beauty!

      The Forum also gives you direct access to me. I am there regularly answering questions and engaging with our Powerhouse Community.

      This is where I share many more resources including articles, recommended books, blogs, videos, websites, tools and more. All of this is designed so that you have absolutely everything you need to create a life you love to look at!
      What People Say About Our Community
      “The vibe in this group is HIGH.. the best ever...”
      “I love our facebook group - my new feng shui family. Just the support we gave each other when we needed a little push.”
      “I'm still remedying but today has been huge for me since starting PowerHouse..... Today my son got accepted into University - it's been my wish for him to go to college this is huge for him and me then I get home to find a refund cheque from the revenue I didn't do anything to get. I've only had my personal report remedies in a few weeks - so very grateful and welcoming an abundance of great things into my life and home”
      “Eeeek... more in vision board happening - we got engaged!
      “Back in August you were such an amazing support - I'd like now to share with you the amazing news... we are expecting a baby girl next June!!!
      “I set my intention of being mortgage free by the end of December somehow and I'm still pinching myself - I cleared what was left of the mortgage and if I was asked what did I do I couldn't I tell you how it had happened - Feng Shui. My mortgage is now cleared six years ahead of time.. What I need to be forever mindful of is that the energy of Feng Shui is really powerful and the universe is always listening."
      “We are well and truly on our way to a happy, harmonious home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤🏡🙋🏼‍♀️🙏🤝 Patricia Lohan and your team.”
      I randomly had a friend call me and hand over 20 new clients! And then I got a random call from someone who pulled my name from a list, in an association I belong to and gave me a client today as well! So many good things happening!”
      “My Powerhouse journey has literally transformed my life!! Thank you thank you thank you for coming into my life...the timing was perfect! I dedicated every week to the programme and putting the remedies in quickly and WOW!! In 3 months I have a new love in my life, my career is moving in ways I never expected, I’ve been on the front of national papers for campaigns I am passionate about, I am doing things I love 💕 and meeting new and positive people who awaken and inspire me and love me for me. I am loving my life and today.... Thank you, thank you again to you and all your team xxxx”
      “Life has been moving super fast! My husband got a huge salary increase.
      Health is better, our food and lifestyle choices are better, our relationship is great, and his career has been amazing, and now that we are moving, life is getting pretty exciting (and scary😂) -with new adventures and opportunities! Our family and friends are wonderstruck, because of how quickly we were able to make all these decisions and it all worked out.
      Thank you Patricia! I loved this house already (our first house post the wedding), but I feel like now I owe this house and Powerhouse -for making me understand energies and vibes better!”
      “I'd like to share another financial win to keep you all motivated. A friend who owns a marketing agency is shutting down and I will be acquiring (most or all of) her clients - 18 clients! In one fell swoop! If everyone agrees to move over to my company, that represents a 20% increase in monthly revenue for my company. So yay for feng shui and healthy money mindsets!”
      “My hubby told me last night that he noticed the week I put my remedies in I set the intention to have $5000. $5300 appeared literally out of nowhere a week later. I told the kids this morning I am manifesting $5500 this week. Last night, a $10,000 opportunity was offered to myself and my hubby. And today $6000 has been offered to me out of nowhere. Both the $10k and the $6k are not confirmed yet but it’s a step in the right direction 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 PS - this is the view from the house I manifested through this FS course earlier this year.”
      “This amused me, and I realised how much our home has changed. On Friday evening hubby and I were in town and going to eat out. I said I want "cosy, warm, good friendly service and comfort" . "Let's go home" , says he. And he meant it! We were super happy go home and I smiled to see the change in him also and how we both now find our home is supportive and friendly. 😊😊”
      “I found my ideal treatment room. The people and clients are what I put out for. My first day was yesterday. And it was a fantastic success and fully booked- My dream work place came true.”
      This is just a taste of the positive goings on in the community..
      Want to read more from the community?

      Recent Wins from our Powerhouse Community

      We have welcomed women from ALL walks of life into the Powerhouse program - and they’ve reported great results!

      Whether you are a..
      • Retiree
      •  Stay at home 
      • ​Entrepreneur
      • ​Investor / Trader
      • ​Professional 
      • ​Spiritual healer / yoga teacher 
      • ​Student
      • ​Artist
      • ​Celebrity
      …Powerhouse WILL work for you!

      As long as you believe in yourself, the principles of Feng Shui and you’re willing to do the work to manifest your visions into reality - Powerhouse can support you!


      If you are a retiree, stay-at-home mom, student or don’t have a regular income - it might feel like a big investment for you to join Powerhouse.

      I totally get it - and that’s exactly why we have created our 12-month payment plan - that allows you to join Powerhouse for just $179/mo.

      This allows women to get access to everything inside the program (yes full access immediately) - the powerouse portal access, powerhouse membership including - your personal report, remedy recomendations, community support + live coaching within the group.

      As you implement these remedies - your home becomes ‘Good for People’ AND ‘Good for Money’.

      PLUS - You get a BONUS training called the Money Magnet Course (valued at $997) - for FREE inside Powerhouse.

      Numerous students have joined Powerhouse as a leap of faith - an act of trust - and a DECLARATION and COMMITMENT to the Universe to change their financial future.

      If you’re in this position right now - I want to assure you that these students who took the leap of faith ALWAYS find the money within a few short days or weeks of starting Powerhouse and the Money Magnet course.

      Hear from Sobia Akhtar who was in a similar position - and ended up manifesting amazing results using Powerhouse. 

      Nicola took the leap after 3 years of considering joining PowerHouse and within 3 months she had the deposit for her new house. 

      If you’re feeling called to join Powerhouse - trust that voice within your heart and take the leap with the payment plan.

      The money will show up to support you!



      If we haven’t officially met yet, I’m Patricia Lohan, your go-to online Feng Shui expert, my passion for creating sacred spaces goes beyond the traditional boundaries as having helped thousands of students worldwide learn how to create their dream lives through the ancient art of feng shui.

      Why Feng Shui, you ask? Because for me it's not just about rearranging furniture; it's about reshaping destinies.

      Feng Shui Is The Secret Sauce That Has Helped Me ReShape My Destiny - Faster Than I Ever Thought Possible.

      In my own life - Feng Shui has helped me..

      • Manifest and marry my soulmate Ken
      • Get featured on New York Times, Forbes, HuffPost(OMG pinch me!)
      • Host sold-out in-person events & retreats in Bali and Ireland
      • ​Author 2 best-selling books
      • ​Play tennis with Richard Branson on Necker Island
      • ​Get in the best shape of my life - effortlessly
      • ​Create a lifestyle of freedom that allows me to live in amazing places like Bali and Greece
      • ​Create a multi-million dollar business (from less than $0)

      These amazing results haven't happened for me because I'm 'special' in some way!

      I’ve just done exactly what I teach you in Powerhouse!

      The best part for me is what I hear from my students reporting miracles happening in their lives - every single day - because of the universal powers of Feng Shui!

      I’m known for my relaxed teaching style. I'm here to demystify Feng Shui, ensuring you feel empowered and at ease throughout this sacred journey. Let's co-create spaces that resonate with your dreams and desires. Join me, and together, we'll manifest a life overflowing with serenity, success, and positive energy.

      Choose the PowerHouse Plan That’s Right For You
      Includes 8 core modules, two years membership to our community including your personal report, seven days a week expert feng shui support, Weekly Q&A Calls, Monthly Astrology Predictions Session, Monthly Themed Workshops, 3 Bonus Courses ( Feng Shui for Business, Vision to Reality & Money Magnet Course) and more and Lifetime access to all course materials.
      Twelve monthly payments of
      $176 USD
      Bi-Weekly Plan (24 payments)
      $88 USD
      PowerHouse PLUS*
      *PowerHouse PLUS also includes a 60-Minute walk-through of your house with one of our Certified Feng Shui Consultants
      One payment of
      $2497 USD
      Twelve monthly payments of
      $218 USD
      Bi-Weekly Plan (24 payments)
      $108 USD
      Try PowerHouse for 7 days with our

      It's time to invite the magic of Feng Shui into your life, and let it be your guiding light towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. This is why I have created this Programme and it’s why I offer such an exceptional guarantee.

      From your date of purchase you have a full 7 days to work with me and my team and see if the Powerhouse Programme is right for you. If it’s not right for you I’ll gladly refund your money.

      No questions.

      Behind The Scenes Of PowerHouse Program

      PowerHouse Works! 

      ~ Jennifer Spivak

      "It Made Sense To Jennifer That Her Home Should Be Energetically Aligned With Her Values. But, Nothing Could Prepare Her For What Followed After She Started PowerHouse...

      ~ SUSIE CABRAL / Marketing & Business Coach

      "Literally 3 weeks after getting my report and starting to implement the remedies, I received a surprise check from the US government......Plus, my soulmate and childhood sweetheart from High School contacted me and we've been together ever since."

      ANNE MARIE KINGSTON / Professional Declutterer
      Now has a waitlist for clients from Zero. Money was coming in and going out faster, barely reaching the bank account and clients were few and far between. Doing Feng Shui has just turned everything around now with a client waiting list of 3 months and money in the bank.
      AMANDA FARRAR / Acupuncturist
      Amanda is no longer overwhelmed in her work, using Feng Shui with Patricia everything completely turned around.

      Amanda believes If you are struggling in any part of your life, Feng Shui will help you.
      Phyllis Pieri
      Sold her home in record time, bought a new house and the money is now flowing.
      TERESA CLIFFORD / Psychologist 
      Seen a dramatic upturn in her work. For Teresa Feng Shui has been amazing from start to finish, she is more connected with life and no longer holding herself back and regained her creativity.
      BRI SEELEY / Business Coach
      Has called in love, bought a home, grown her business, moved cities, signed an audio book deal and finances are flowing in since doing Feng Shui. Bri needed to clear out the old energy, let go of the past and make way for the new energy to come in.
      ALEXIS FEDOR / Business Coach & Artist
      Alexis wanted to feel more at home in her temporary accommodation and Feng Shui transformed how she looked at her living space. It created a safe haven for her to work in and feels she is more grounded and enjoys working from home achieving huge success in her work.
      RAYNA CAMPBELL / Actress & Director
      Started getting calls for work instantly. Rayna has always been intrigued by Feng Shui and just found it complicated until she met Patricia. Now all areas for her life have improved and more job bookings and she wouldn’t be without Feng Shui it feels so good in her home.
      LYNN SULLIVAN / Healer
      Feng Shui came at the right time for Lynn, life was messed up, work, health, relationships. Now everything has shifted in her work, health and relationships for her and her husband. She took the chance on the course and hasn’t look back with the support of Patricia and the group on the course.
      TALMAR ANDERSON / HR Professional 
      Talmars business was featured on National TV Show. Talmar’s life was not going the way she wanted it to go for her, her son and her husband. Now using Feng Shui her son won a $70k scholarship, her husband won a large construction contract and she is landing new clients. Working with Patricia things rapidly change for the better on implementing her recommendations.
      ANDREA / Hypnotherapist
      Since joining the Feng Shui Course Andrea has more clarity in her life, kids are happier and more clients, money bonuses and gifts coming in. Making small changes has made big differences in her life, there is an ease about the house.
      Thank you for PowerHouse and the light you bring. Since you came into my world a profound transformation has begun in my home and within me. I am truly blessed. I’ve changed so much and seen so many wins, a tax rebate of 1,800.00 Euros, received a spot in an interiors magazine and opened an interior design shop.
      There was just harmony in the home. My fame and reputation went through the roof. Continuous clients, love and marriage area was flying. Abundance of money was coming in. It was just constant flow of everything. Feng Shui rocks and it really does work.
      It's not about money as such, it's about other things, making things easier for you and for your life. So abundance comes in different ways. It could be your health, it could be just people being kind to you or helping you out.
      ANDREA / Hypnotherapist
      Since joining the Feng Shui Course Andrea has more clarity in her life, kids are happier and more clients, money bonuses and gifts coming in. Making small changes has made big differences in her life, there is an ease about the house.
      VIJAYA / Intuitive Healer
      Vijaya wanted her home to be a supportive environment doing the Feng Shui course was the answer. She couldn’t have imagined the life she has now a year ago before starting the Feng Shui course.
      "It's almost like we've got this big bubble around us that protects us...and the family connection has just been great. We support each other and work as a team now. To anyone thinking about PowerHouse: Just go for it — and watch the magic unfold."
      Laura Joined Powerhouse after having bought her dream home which has led to all her dreams coming to fruition for her work, lifestyle and travel dreams.

      Everything has been ticked of from Laura’s vision board including trips to Bali and Thailand

      A redundancy package beyond her wildest dreams came through. She went for her dream job -- with a perfect work-life balance -- and got it. The job came with a company car, a cushy salary and work from home option -- which was precisely what she wanted.

      Laura also manifested the passive income she desired. The business is thriving, and she feels as if she got an extra security blanket. Her marriage and relationship with kids blossomed.

      Her husband went from being a Feng Shui critic to appreciating what Laura did for her family. His business expanded; he started employing more people and saw the biggest revenue year ever.

      Laura says: “It's almost like we've got this big bubble around us that protects us...and the family connection has just been great. We support each other and work as a team now. To anyone thinking about PowerHouse: Just go for it — and watch the magic unfold.

      ~ Laura Gomm
      IT & Security Professional 
      "I loved how the course was broken into bite sized weekly pieces, which meant it was easy to implement the remedies I feel more aligned, focussed and supported and know this energy I feel is also flowing into my business."
      I first participated in Patricias Feng Shui course and have seen significant changes in my life since then. As I began the course I had just moved into my apartment, and was in the process of starting my new business. 

      I felt the approach that Patricia takes to feng shui would really support this, as it was personalised to both me and my home. I loved how the course was broken into bite sized weekly pieces, which meant it was easy to implement the remedies without becoming overwhelmed

      The online group and weekly calls were both fun and supportive. Eleven months on my business has gone through a declutter, changed direction and is now flourishing. I feel more aligned, focused and supported and know this energy I feel is also flowing into my business. 

      Anyone who comes to my home, always comments on the lovely energy, and I know doing this course has really supported me in understanding and creating such a beautifully supportive home, which has also directly impacted my business.
      ~ LAURA MURPHY / Holistic Therapist 
      "Things now flow with ease. I would recommend this course to everyone. It has been life changing."
      We went from losing our income with a previous business partner to starting our own business which is doing great. I made a decision that I needed a change and came across Patricia.

      Initially, I was skeptical but loved the little tips and decided I wanted to know more. To date a lot has changed and I'm loving it. We went from losing our income with a previous business partner to starting our own business which is doing great and personally I started an Airbnb business which I love Fengshui is so fun.

      Things now flow with ease. I would recommend this course to everyone. It has been life changing.
      ~ Marie Lynch
      "The results are incredible and I’m not doing anything different, just followed the report and added the remedies as fast as possible."
      Since implementing my Personal report remedies in the last 24 hours I’ve had 3 new ideal clients contact me about the high end biz services I offer, that I’ve not advertised yet. 

      The results are incredible and I’m not doing anything different, just followed the report and added the remedies as fast as possible. Thanks Patricia
      ~ SUE ELLEN / HR Executive 
      "I would definitely recommend Powerhouse as Patricia and Ken deliver the course in a way that allows you to implement the remedies and not get overwhelmed."
      I joined Powerhouse because I could feel since moving into the apartment that things felt quite tense and not going as well as we wanted. I was committed when Patricia talked about doing so much inner work but your home needs to catch up otherwise it’s like a tug of war

      Once we started putting the remedies in place, our home felt much more aligned and started to feel much better. I love that areas of the home are aligned to prosperity, travel, health and career and knowing about the remedies has improved how we feel in relation to these areas. 

      More abundance has definitely flowed into our lives, our health is improving and I feel much more supported. I would definitely recommend Powerhouse as Patricia and Ken deliver the course in a way that allows you to implement the remedies and not get overwhelmed

      You get your own personalised report and because others are doing it with you, you feel that you are part of a collective which gives you motivation and enthusiasm to get your remedies in place.
      ~ KERRI O'LOANE / Coach 
      "This program has opened the floodgates. My God, you better have a paddle and jacket because it really does work!"
      I needed a hip replacement and I was “morbidly obese” at the time of seeking Feng Shui. I'm down to “obese” now and soon I'll be “overweight” and then I'll be “normal.” I felt that I needed to be a certain weight to be accepted. I felt I needed to get my hip done FIRST, then everything else would fall into place.

      Since starting with Feng Shui, the opposite of it has happened.

      I've always said to myself, "Well, Valerie, you can't because you're disabled, you're obese, you're not that well educated yet. You're not as good as others." The Feng Shui course has pulled all that negative self-talk out of me!

      And what the Feng Shui course has done for me anew, Patricia, and the women in the group have done for me is said, "Oh my gosh. You are so beautiful, you're so talented, you have so much to give. We want to hear more."

      It's the best money I've ever, ever spent in my life and if it was three or four times that amount, I wouldn't have cared. I would have found it. I keep losing weight and I'm almost at my 7 stone loss mark (my starting weight was 25 stone).
      "I have increased my income 20% and counting since taking the course! I have brought new friends into my life that are on a similar path and my home feels more at peace..."
      I joined Feng Shui Mastery as I wanted to make some changes in my life financially and in my love life. My income has gone up 20% since buying my new home and implementing my personal report! I have found new friends and new interests and have become more at peace with my life. My home feels like a sanctuary now! I have really changed how I decorate too. I keep attracting more people into my life with similar goals and dreams. I keep getting new clients! Absolutely! it is totally worth it. It helps bring peace to your home, it is an easy course to follow and great support. I would highly recommend to do it - follow along weekly, make the time to just do it. The support is amazing, the live calls , the chat groups, it is very comforting to know you have others with similar struggles and joy as well, that are wanting to make changes in their lives too, and they want to help you and come on the journey. I love that I have access to the courses each time which is great.
      ~ Kimberly Bishop
      "Each time I added a remedy from our personal report, our life shifted in unexpected ways"
      Encouraged by my daughter Sophie, I signed up for Powerhouse when I could not afford to. In fact, she paid each instalment and I will always remember this kindness. 

      I am absolutely sure that Feng Shui, under Patricia and Ken's expert and caring guidance has helped us to solve some complicated issues. With my husband Philip's help, putting each remedy in place felt like a really positive step towards the future. Life feels so much more hopeful than this time last year

      There are still things to sort, but Feng Shui will play its part in solving them, of that I am sure. When I heard just one video from Patricia I knew instinctively that if the energy in our lovely old house didn't change, nothing would

      I am forever grateful. I would recommend to anyone who wants to get out of a rut or difficult situation with positivity and tenacity.
      ~ LIZ HICKEY / Coach 
      Here’s the complete list of what you’ll get in Powerhouse
      PowerHouse Core Program
      Life Time Access to 8 in-depth online modules including workbooks, meditations, videos, audio and transcripts. 
      ($2,497 value)
      3 Advance Complimentary Bonus Courses
      • Vision To Reality
      • Declutter Your Home
      • Money Magnet Course 
      ($7,000 value)
      5 Bonus Trainings Included
      Get the shortcuts to get maximum results from the least amount of effort
      ($1,235 value)
      Membership to PowerHouse Community which includes:
      • Your Homes Personal Report
        Prescriptive Report to Balance your Home 
      • Seven Days a Week Support
        Feng Shui Expert Advice - Myself and my team of qualified Feng Shui experts answer questions seven days a week (on different time zones)
      • Monthly Themed Master Class with Patricia 
      • ​Monthly Astrology Predictions Call with our Resident Astrologer 
      • ​Q&A Weekly Live Call All Year Round.
        Have your Feng Shui questions answered every week by Patricia or Feng Shui Expert 
      • ​Private Facebook Community
        Get connected with and inspired by other women who are on this journey with you
      ($5,982 value)
      Lifetime access to all course materials
      Total Powerhouse Value $15,479
      Total PowerHouse Investment Only $1997
      If you want to create your dream life and achieve your full potential, then you have to ensure the energy of your home is working to support this.
      This program will give you the tools to...
      • Become more in harmony with the flow of life to enjoy it even more 
      • Increase the flow of wealth and abundance into your life
      • ​​Increase your ability to maintain or improve your health and well-being
      • ​​Liberate yourself from feeling overwhelmed with life's challenges
      • ​​Enhance your relationships and harmonize your interactions with family, friends or co-workers
      • ​​Become an open channel for receiving, giving and manifesting new opportunities into your life
      • ​​Reduce disagreements, accidents arguments or challenging behaviours
      I promise, this is only scratching the surface of what you can achieve when you implement your *personalized* Feng Shui plan as part of PowerHouse.
      This program will give you the tools to...
      • Increase the flow of wealth and abundance into your life
      • ​Increase your ability to maintain or improve your health and well-being
      • ​Liberate yourself from feeling overwhelmed with life's challenges
      • ​Enhance your relationships and harmonise your interactions with family, friends or co-workers
      • ​Become an open channel for receiving, giving and manifesting new opportunities into your life
      • ​Reduce disagreements, accidents arguments or challenging behaviours
      I promise, this is only scratching the surface of what you can achieve when you implement your *personalized* Feng Shui plan.
      Choose the PowerHouse Plan That’s Right For You
      Includes 8 core modules, two years membership to our community including your personal report, seven days a week expert feng shui support, Weekly Q&A Calls, Monthly Astrology Predictions Session, Monthly Themed Workshops, 3 Bonus Courses ( Feng Shui for Business, Vision to Reality & Money Magnet Course and more and Lifetime access to all course materials.
      Twelve monthly payments of
      $176 USD
      Bi-Weekly plan (24 payments)
      $88 USD
      PowerHouse PLUS*
      *PowerHouse PLUS also includes a 60-Minute walk-through of your house with one of our Certified Feng Shui Consultants.
      One payment of
      $2497 USD
      Twelve monthly payments of
      $218 USD
      Bi-Weekly Plan (24 payments)
      $108 USD
      Try PowerHouse for 7 days with our

      It's time to invite the magic of Feng Shui into your life, and let it be your guiding light towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. This is why I have created this Programme and it’s why I offer such an exceptional guarantee.
      From your date of purchase you have a full 7 days to work with me and my team and see if the Powerhouse Programme is right for you. If it’s not right for you I’ll gladly refund your money.

      No questions.
      Here’s what Powerhouse students have to say:
      "Patricia's Powerhouse course absolutely exceeded my expectations. I was absolutely blown away by the results that I saw. Patricia makes Feng Shui easy, accessible and a whole lot of fun, and allows you to transform your life into what you dream it to be. I highly, highly recommend it!"
      Patricia's Powerhouse course absolutely exceeded my expectations. I'd roughly looked into Feng Shui a few times in my life but fairly quickly become overwhelmed with advice that seemed to contradict itself and totally didn't make sense for the places I'd lived in. 

      Patricia and Ken provide detailed reports that are specific to your house, which means that no matter what the problem is, it can be remedied. I have to admit that I was somewhat skeptical about how adding things here or there would change my life. 

      I could accept that improving the energy in my home would make for more peace and productivity, and as a business owner working from home, that was important to me. But I was absolutely blown away by the results that I saw, too many times to be merely coincidences.

      One particular example that really struck me was how putting the remedy in my Fame and Recognition area resulted in me being contacted within days by a magazine wanting to feature me, promote my blogs, set up collaborative opportunities and further my international audience. Seriously, I couldn't make this up.

      Patricia makes Feng Shui easy, accessible and a whole lot of fun, and allows you to transform your life into what you dream it to be.

      I highly, highly recommend it!
      ~ Anna Siebert, Womens' Health Professional 
      "You will get amazing service and info and it's great to have more awareness on this for your family so if you're sitting on the fence I'd say go for it."
      I wanted to discover how my house was situated from a Feng Shui perspective. Through doing the course I thought I might be able to energetically improve any areas that were out of alignment and make subtle changes that would enhance our life.

      What I loved about the course work was how individual and tailored the program is, while having the advantages of a group environment. It's always great to bounce ideas off others and to watch as everyone moves through the process. Especially large transformations for people.

      I think our results will be subtle as so many of the areas were close to being right (which was great to know). I would recommend this course to you if you have some significant things happening in your life that you can't see to shift. If you're feeling stuck or are having trouble gaining direction.

      You will get amazing service and info and it's great to have more awareness on this for your family so if you're sitting on the fence I'd say go for it. You can only improve your situation. Thanks P and K!
      ~ Kirsty Bonner / Business Coach
      "I would highly recommend this course, especially if you have dabbled in Feng Shui without getting results, this is "real" Feng Shui and Patricia is so very sweet and helpful every step of the way."
      I decided to try the Powerhouse Course because my life was feeling constantly "hard" with family conflicts, money struggles and I just wanted everything flowing better and easier. I dove straight in and decluttered and applied ALL of Patricia's remedies

      I noticed an immediate difference in my family getting along, and money coming in, we have even sold that home and manifested our dream home which we are now Feng Shuiing. 

      I would highly recommend this course, especially if you have dabbled in Feng Shui without getting results, this is "real" Feng Shui and Patricia is so very sweet and helpful every step of the way.
      ~ Gael Woods | Health Professional 
      "I felt a strong calling to join Powerhouse. Despite financial concerns, I trusted the universe and took the leap.The shifts I have witnessed, both in my personal and professional life, have been remarkable"
      In my businesses, I saw a remarkable change in focus. Previously, I spent most of my time on work I didn't enjoy, but after joining Powerhouse, I realigned my priorities and now spend 70-80% of my time working on what I'm passionate about. My other business, centered around sound healing, began attracting clients organically, and I became fully booked until October at a local yoga center.

      Through Powerhouse, I learned to love and connect with my home on a deeper level. The individualized approach of Powerhouse's feng shui program resonated with me, as it provided specific remedies tailored to my needs. Decluttering and cleaning became transformative processes filled with love, intention, and excitement.

      My journey with Powerhouse has been a fun and empowering experience. The shifts I have witnessed, both in my personal and professional life, have been remarkable. The personalized approach of Powerhouse's feng shui program has allowed me to bring balance, flow, and ease into my life, ultimately leading to my incredible wins.
      ~ Andrea Baines
      There’s simply no other Feng Shui program available that is this comprehensive, and generates the most PROVEN RESULTS for students.  Everything you need to create your dream life and business is here!
      A Word Of Advice
      Make no mistake, whether or not you invest in PowerHouse, you’re making a powerful choice to either keep living as you are today (and hoping things will magically change) or trying something unexpected that could just be your magic key to your dream life.

      You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

      Powerhouse comes with rock solid 7-day money back guarantee.

      Why Our Students Have Joined PowerHouse

      "This course should be on everyone's list of things to learn, it's essential in creating a calm safe loving place."

      There is so much overall learning in this goes on and on and on....Patricia, Ken and their 'excellent' team continue to deliver a first class experience and I am so grateful for that. It makes the learning so much fun.

      I think if you are considering learning new life skills to create a wonderful home for you and your family then this course ticks all the boxes. This course should be on everyone's list of things to learn, it's essential in creating a calm safe loving place.

      "If you want things to be different. You need to do things differently and Feng Shui will do this..."

      Right now, I would say to people, this is something you can't not do. I just think with everything that's gone on this year. There's one thing that is absolutely undeniable. 

      It's made everyone think about what's important...and that is your home, it’s absolutely fundamental to everything, and everything stems from there. 

      Everything, absolutely everything. It's a magical time of transformation, if you want things to be different. You need to do things differently and Feng Shui will do this...

      "If you're sitting on the fence about whether PowerHouse is right for you - JUST DO IT!!"

      I'm a member of Patricia's PowerHouse course (not really a 'past' member, because once you're a member, you're one for life!) and wanted to say that if you're sitting on the fence about whether PowerHouse is right for you - JUST DO IT!! 

      I saw this quote from Hugh Laurie yesterday: "It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now....Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any."

      I joined PowerHouse a couple of years ago and live in a house which is good for people and good for money BUT is in a 10 year money lock (10 years - 5 to go!!). Suddenly, our financial situation made sense. After putting the remedies in, both me and my husband received bonuses we weren't expecting and I got a cheque from the bank for insurance I was mis-sold 15 years ago! I'm not kidding!! 

      Apart from anything else, Patricia's energy is infectious and you will get so much support from her magical group. (I realise I sound like I'm on some sort of commission - I promise I'm not, I'm just super passionate about Patricia and the power of feng shui!). 

      Hope to meet you in the Power House Group!
      With love and light to you all x

      "Grateful for all I have coming to me and for my family."

      "Things really do start to shift in your life when you change the energy of your home."


      A message from Patricia:

      Every time I speak to a member of PowerHouse - they always share a few things with me, firstly that I just ‘popped’ up in front of them when they really needed something to change.

      Honestly, I don’t believe I just popped up in front of you…’by accident’

      I believe that a part of you has been asking for help,I believe that something inside of you is looking for change.

      You know that there is more to this ‘life’

      There really is….

      Trust that you are reading this page for a reason, you’ve found me, PowerHouse and my team for a reason.

      Powerhouse is my heart and soul poured into this transformative container. I don't just share Feng Shui; I bring the culmination of my knowledge, wisdom, and a myriad of modalities that have fueled my own life's evolution.
      It's not merely a course; it's a sacred space where I hold the lantern for your journey.

      My mission, inspired by the words of Henry James Thoreau, is to empower women to live their dreams awake.

      I've witnessed the radiant transformation of thousands of women who have walked this path with me. Powerhouse is more than a program; it's an invitation to step into your brilliance, to flourish, and to stand boldly in the life you've always dreamed of.

      In this sacred container, we transcend limits, shatter barriers, and create a tapestry of dreams woven with empowerment.

      Join me on this extraordinary journey where the essence of Powerhouse is not just Feng Shui; it's the unlocking of your limitless potential. Let's embark on this transformative adventure together.

      We would be honored to support you on your journey and see you as the next success story on this page.


      Patricia xxx


      A message from Patricia:

      Every time I speak to a member of PowerHouse - they always share a few things with me, firstly that I just ‘popped’ up in front of them when they really needed something to change.

      Honestly, I don’t believe I just popped up in front of you…’by accident’

      I believe that a part of you has been asking for help,I believe that something inside of you is looking for change.

      You know that there is more to this ‘life’

      There really is….

      Trust that you are reading this page for a reason, you’ve found me, PowerHouse and my team for a reason.

      Powerhouse is my heart and soul poured into this transformative container. I don't just share Feng Shui; I bring the culmination of my knowledge, wisdom, and a myriad of modalities that have fueled my own life's evolution.
      It's not merely a course; it's a sacred space where I hold the lantern for your journey.

      My mission, inspired by the words of Henry James Thoreau, is to empower women to live their dreams awake.

      I've witnessed the radiant transformation of thousands of women who have walked this path with me. Powerhouse is more than a program; it's an invitation to step into your brilliance, to flourish, and to stand boldly in the life you've always dreamed of.

      In this sacred container, we transcend limits, shatter barriers, and create a tapestry of dreams woven with empowerment.

      Join me on this extraordinary journey where the essence of Powerhouse is not just Feng Shui; it's the unlocking of your limitless potential. Let's embark on this transformative adventure together.

      We would be honored to support you on your journey and see you as the next success story on this page.


      Patricia xxx

      I asked some participants of the PowerHouse Programme to share...

      What would you say to people considering joining?

      Monica Jansen

      "Do it!. It is so worthwhile and you don't know how many doors it's gonna kind of open in your life. There's just been one positive change after another, some really small, but some, obviously really big."

      Maggie Brady

      "If you're considering go for it, you will not regret it. I said don't even hesitate, however you can do it, just do it. "

      Skye Beaton

      "If you're considering it, just take the plunge. The money will come it just appears, it's just does. And if you're if you've come across this group, well, there's a reason for that."

      Francie Denise

      "I've always followed feng shui, and signs and all that good stuff. I'm not sorry one bit that I did it. So I would go for it, if you are serious and you need balance in your life. That's basically that's how I feel it is, then I would go for it."

      Ayesha Cotter

      "You’re actually financially better off by joining. I know so many people are worried about the financial thing, but trust me you’ll pay it."

      Barbara Yee

      "I can honestly tell you hands down. Don't hesitate. This has been the most wonderful experience ever."

      Anaeka Nathwani

      "You won’t look back.  It's a really good course. I think everyone should do it. "

      "Grateful for all I have coming to me and for my family."

      "Things really do start to shift in your life when you change the energy of your home."

      Doors to PowerHouse are closing in

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