Did you know that the color of your handbag and wallet can influence your ability to receive money, luck and blessings?

Did you know that the color of your handbag and wallet can influence your ability to receive money, luck and blessings?

Find out the luckiest colors to call in more of what you want (and less of the hassles) - in just 30 seconds - with the ’Feng Shui Your Wallet” Guide


"Feng Shui Is The Final Piece Of The Manifesting Jigsaw Puzzle"

Patricia Lohan is a world-renowned Feng Shui specialist and entrepreneur.
Her passion is helping women to accelerate their success by creating powerful environments.
From launching successful businesses to saved marriages, to meeting the Right One to large windfalls…
Patricia witnessed the extraordinary results thousands of her clients achieved when they utilized the power of Feng Shui.

Patricia Lohan is a world-renowned Feng Shui specialist and entrepreneur.
Her passion is helping women to accelerate their success by creating powerful environments.
From launching successful businesses to saved marriages, to meeting the Right One to large windfalls…
Patricia witnessed the extraordinary results thousands of her clients achieved when they utilized the power of Feng Shui.

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